New York City students say...

"I've been studying voice since the 1970's and am actively performing as a cabaret singer and in musical theatre. I discovered Erin this year while performing together, and immediately asked her to coach me. She has helped me overcome problems and discover new techniques that have immensely improved my singing. I'm recommending her to all of my friends; those who are performing and beginners. I've never been so happy with a voice teacher." - Gary L.

"Erin is a great teacher. My daughter is very happy with her teaching approach and style. Erin has made playing the piano a joyful experience. I highly recommend Erin." - Wayne J.

"Very nice person good with kids happy that my daughter has her as a instructor :-)" - Norma B. 

"Erin has been wonderful. She's has a great way with children making lesson fun and interesting and teaching them at the same time. I feel I've made the right decision in choosing her to teach my children and couldn't be happier with how they're progressing." - John P.

"Erin is a great piano teacher! As a beginner at 27 years old I was really nervous about starting piano but Erin made me feel comfortable right away. She is patient and I love the step by step introduction to new material and concepts. Our one hour lessons are interesting and fun." -Berit T.

"Erin has a wonderful and effective teaching technique. She makes the student feel at ease with her patient and upbeat manner. My son is very happy!" – Harriet H.

"Erin is a very patient and understanding, not to mention FUN voice coach. She loves her work and it definitely shows in how she treats her students. It also helps that her voices is quite beautiful and I for one will not be surprised if she's on Broadway doing a Legit production. Seriously, if that happens I want front row center seats so that I can say "she's my voice teacher!"  Definitely worth the time and money!" – Ami C.

"Erin is the best teacher my daughter has ever had. She does a great job in teaching and at the same time makes it enjoyable for her students. She is the best teacher you can possibly get." -Thankam V.

"Erin made my daughter's first experience learning piano so much!! She has a very warm and friendly personality that endears her to children and parents alike." - Alexandra P.

"I had lost a great deal of confidence in my singing, to the point where I no longer sang even for my own enjoyment. In just a few lessons with Erin, I became much more comfortable with my upper range, gained a better understanding of breath control, and generally began to have fun singing again! I am looking forward to continuing to work with her, and to gain a musical theatre and classical repertoire." - Christina M.

"As an aspiring adult male rock singer,  I knew what I wanted to sound like but had no real knowledge of how to make it happen.  Since my lessons with Erin, I have improved immeasurably. Aside from making things really fun and easy to learn, she also gives excellent practical and verbal explanations of what you are learning, so that when you practice at home, it all comes together!  All in all, If you are looking for vocal lessons from a great teacher and live near Astoria, then look no further, because Erin is the best!" - Jason M.

"I just wanted to say that the confidence that my daughter has in her singing ability is awesome. I love Erin, her personality, her youthfulness and the way she makes my daughter feel special. Thanks so much for bringing us together TakeLessons! :)" -Blanca M.

"'She's the best! She's the best!' Well, that's what my daughter started shouting when I asked her what she thought of Ms. Erin. I tend to agree -- Erin shows a wonderful combination of rigor and fun, allowing the kids to be kids but not get away with wasting time. She also hits the right balance between teaching theory and teaching practical playing technique. My daughter loved piano lessons so much that last year, she started studying voice with Erin, as well. We've been with Erin for a few years now, and if my daughter has her way, we will be with her "forever." :-)" -Aegina B.

"Ms. Erin's approach to piano lessons is to make it fun and positive and my kids, ages 6 and 8,  adore her. She seems to remember what it was like to be a child and helps kids learn to love the piano while still learning all the important elements of music. Part of Erin's child friendly approach is to have the kids take part in the decision-making process for lessons and recital pieces.  We highly recommend her." -Steve H.

"I started taking lessons with Erin a few months ago, after balking at the idea for a while because I'm shy. So glad! Erin is incredibly vibrant and motivating. Every lesson is a lot of fun, but also very productive. I can't wait to continue!" -Laura B.
"Erin is a great teacher. I have learned a lot and feel that I have improved so much as a singer because of her. She makes you feel comfortable, and every class is loads of fun. I look forward to Mondays because it means I get to go to singing class. You can't find a better teacher than Erin!"         -Ricki E.